If you have some money saved up that you don’t plan on using for the next few months, then this is where you put it. It’s really just a higher yielding share account. The only restrictions are that there is a minimum balance of $2,500, fall below the minimum balance and a $25 fee will be assessed.
Interest: See rate sheet below
Fees: See transaction limitations for only fee
Minimum Initial Deposit: $2,500
Minimum Daily Balance Required: $2,500
Minimum Age to Open: none
Minimum deposit & withdrawal amounts: $100 after initial deposit
Transaction Limitations: Account can be used for overdraft protection on a checking account, however, if account falls below the minimum balance the account will be assessed a $25.00 fee. Tiered services apply.
Account Type | APY | Minimum Deposit | Minimum Balance |
REGULAR SHARES | 0.1% | $5 | $25 |
SHARE DRAFTS | 0.05% | $25 | |
CHRISTMAS CLUB | 0.2% | $0 | |
TRADITIONAL IRA SHRS | 0.85% | $0 | |
ROTH IRA SHARES | 0.85% | $0 | |
SUB SHARES | 0.1% | $25 | |
MONEY MARKET SHARE | 0.85% | $2500 | $2500 |
MONEY MARKET SHARE | 0.85% | $2500 | $5000 |
MONEY MARKET SHARE | 0.85% | $2500 | $25000 |
MONEY MARKET SHARE | 1.01% | $2500 | $50000 |
MONEY MARKET SHARE | 1.26% | $2500 | $100000 |
MONEY MARKET SHARE | 2.02% | $2500 | $250000 |
HSA CHECKING ACCOUNT | 0.05% | $25 |