As we strive to provide high quality products and services to our members here at Filer Credit Union, we will be going through a card conversion process together.
We hope to make this easy, straightforward, and efficient for our members.

New cards must be activated by June 3rd 2024
Call 231.723.3400 if you need assistance, we are expecting a higher call volume during this upgrade so please be patient.
This is what to expect!
Very Important – Please make sure that your address and phone number is correct on your account. Your phone number ties directly into the new security features and has to be up to date.
Beginning May 10th new personal debit, business debit, and H.S.A. cards will be mailed to you.
Watch your mail – the envelope will have limited markings and to be frank, look like junk mail.
Call the number listed for activation to enable your new card.
That is it! Your new and upgraded Filer card will be up and running.
Important Items to Note
Your account number remains the same.
The number on your card does not!
This means that you will need to update your card information with your subscription services.
New cards must be activated by June 3rd 2024
Old cards will no longer function after the June 3rd 2024 date.
Apple, Google, and Samsung pay will begin working at a later date
Tentatively July 3rd 2024 (this is to allow us to make sure everything is functioning appropriately before going digital)
New Features
3-D secure by VISA for added security while shopping online
Increased fraud security
Also as part of this project Filer Credit Union is implementing new ATMS!
BONUS! – We will be announcing an expanded shared branching network to provide our members greater access while away from home.
Old cards will no longer function after the June 3rd 2024 date.
How do I update my subscriptions?
Services such as Netflix, Disney+, or other subscriptions that utilize your card will need to be updated with the new card information. Typically look for “billing” or “account” in the settings and there will be a payment information form.
Will Apple, Google, and Samsung Pay work?
Yes! But not right away. During the upgrade process we need to make sure that everything is functioning as it should first, then we can implement mobile wallets. It shouldn’t be too long though! Think roughly 30 days, tentatively July 3rd.